Saturday, June 28, 2008

Birthday Morning

all is quiet when out of no where the baby starts screaming which wakes my middle child who is super excited to go to a friends birthday party today. She wants a countdown every 5 minutes of when we are going to be leaving. I have 5,000 things to do to get ready including getting my son out of bed, feeding the baby, bathing the baby, blog, and get myself cleaned up (at this moment I look like I fell out of bed, and I feel like it too). Oh yeah and run a few errands before we actually go to the party. But I am SuperMom so it will get done :-)

Can’t wait to see my daughter on her birthday in a few weeks. Then she will want a countdown of when everyone will be coming over. Don’t they sell programmable countdown clocks somewhere? That would save me a ton of time lol.

After the party its my wind down time. Steak and wine and catching up on the DVR shows (including SYTYCD) Ahh I love Saturdays, its the one day where my husband and I can just chill out, float in the pool and let all our cares slip away (they don’t really go far).

Hope whoever is reading this has a good weekend :-)

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